Ja que avui probablement no hi haurà entrada pictòrica (ho sent, ahir tampoc no hi hagué, vaig estar treballant en una nova obra de grans dimensions), us deixe una foto. La titule Ombra portuguesa. Bona jornada dominical!
Ah, i was in Lisbon briefly last year and this reminds me of small cream-coloured cobble stones that are worn so smoothe that as the light run up the narrow streets to meet you it looks like Venice. Great contrast of the two organic figures over the abstract pattern of stones, Manel.
8 comentarios:
I like that it looks like a mosaic. One figure is clothed in argyle and the other in squares.
I like that it looks like a mosaic. One figure is clothed in argyle and the other in squares.
que foto tan sugerente y llena de textura, enhorabuena.saludos
Hola Manel!!
Que obra mes bonica!!! Felicitats!!!
Bella foto!!! E che quest'ombra di coppia diventi una realtà. Ciao Graziano
Ciao Manel, mi sto gustando questa tua bella foto aspettando di vedere l'ultimo tuo lavoro in formato grande. Buona domenica!
Manel, je les reconnais ces petits pavés portugais... Bise.
Ah, i was in Lisbon briefly last year and this reminds me of small cream-coloured cobble stones that are worn so smoothe that as the light run up the narrow streets to meet you it looks like Venice. Great contrast of the two organic figures over the abstract pattern of stones, Manel.
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